Hiren Lad
Experience :10 Years
Email :hiren@pixelsbuilderplus.com
Phone :+91-96388-67997
Phone :+91-95102-22322
Professional Info
Prior to joining company, he spent 10+ years at Unicorn infosystem, where he held a wide range of global leadership roles, from services to products, and across operations and sales. Most recently, he was CEO & Global Head of the Unico0rn Infosystem, as well as a Project Manager of Pixels IT Solutions. As a company dedicated to technology and the end result, we continue to look for new and easy ways to achieve the result. Today, we are committed to expanding our knowledge base and improving the level of knowledge provided to our customers. That’s why we learn the latest technologies and trends so that we can take advantage of our customers’ best technical solutions.
he is responsible for all delivery, operations, talent recruitment and management, and information technology. he is responsible for the alignment and prioritization of company investments — enabling growth, consistency, efficiency. She is a services industry veteran with a diversified wealth of expertise that includes worldwide operations, delivery, process improvements, mergers and acquisitions, and integration, as well as sales and business development.